What’s Your Desire?

From live coaching programs and intensives, self-paced courses, and hypnosis bundles, whatever it is that you desire, you can find your next level here. 


House of Joy

House of Joy is your life and success coaching hub for empowered and ambitious mamas. 

Imagine an app for you to login daily, and dedicate 20 min per day to fill up your cup by intentionally being the artist of your subconscious mind (and life), by dropping into meditations, hypnotherapy tracks, courses, community and coaching in the areas of parenting, marriage and relationships, manifestation and law of attraction, money mindset and success and so much more, all for just $35/month! 



UNLIMITED is a journey to unleash your most resilient, confident, limitless self, resulting in more personal power and freedom than ever before!

Imagine what life would be like if you KNEW that you could handle whatever comes your way, and that nothing, or noone could take you out...

Who would you be?

What would you do?

What would you have?

If you really took a moment to imagine that, I have a feeling it's somewhere much more exciting, fulfilling, and abundant, than where you are now, isn't it? 


Transformational Parenting

Transformational Parenting is a 12-module program and group coaching program, that teaches you how to fall in love with being a parent, by mastering communication, subconscious reprogramming, and inner child healing.

We take a parent-centric approach to parenting meaning this isn’t about “How do I get my child to just listen to me already?!” Instead, it’s about letting your child be a teacher for you. It’s about stepping into your child’s world as a safe place for them to always land, even when they make a mistake. And that always starts with you…who you are as a parent, and who your parents were (or weren’t), for you when you were a child.

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Understand the importance of emotional regulation and child development, and how you can support your child to grow up to be happy, healthy, successful and confident adult. 
  • Recognize the impact of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values on your child and how it shapes their model of the world (for better and for worse), with the power of subconscious mind, which is responsible for ~99% of all thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. 
  • Learn to love yourself, your parents, and your childhood way more than you ever thought, making peace with certain parts of your past that are currently subconsciously stopping you from being the parent you want to truly be! 

No more shouting or ultimatums. No more frustration and inadequacy. No more burnout.


Miracle Money Magnetics

Who do you admire in the personal development, business, and coaching industry? Take a minute to think about that...

Now ask yourself, what do they all have in common?

Dedication to Money Mindset!

There is no such thing as a successful entrepreneur or business owner who doesn't have a strong money mindset. They know that who they are is far more important than the strategy they take action on... In fact, it is part of their strategy! 

In this 5 track hypnosis Bundle, you will be given everything you need to quickly and easily repair your relationship with money so that you can step fully into your power and create the impact and income you're here to make!

In the MMM bundle you will receive: 

1.  Consistent $5K Months Sublminals

2. Consistent $10K+ Months Subliminals 

3. Confidence to Own Your Worth Hypnosis

4. Transmuting Debt into Abundance 

5. Releasing Imposter Syndrome ENLP™ď¸Ź Practice 


Soulful Sales Series

You may associate with thoughts and feelings of
“sales are icky”
“I don’t want to be that girl”
“I don’t want to force myself onto anyone”
“Who will buy from me?

If so, the Soulful Sales Series for you. In this 4 week self-paced program, you will master the strategy, structure, and system of sales…

Without the ick, cold DMs, or pushiness. You will master a SOULFUL approach to sales, that incorporates the psychology and energy of sales to support you in creating a harmonious relationship with sales, and easily having clients say YES to you, more than ever before!